Acupuncture and Energy Medicine in Eustis
With acupuncture, we get to see where your energy systems are at and where the imbalances are and then work with that specifically.”
The Acupuncture and Energy Medicine Program May Consist of:
- Acupuncture treatments
- Chiropractic adjustment series
- Massage
- Energy balancing treatments
Depending on the results of your health assessment and consultation with Dr. Wagner, the Pain-Free and Well Adjusted Program may also be combined with one or more other programs.
We are actually more than meets the eye.
As much as we are physical, we are beings of unseen energy (chi) and vibration. Vibration and energy are our foundation from which our physical lives blossom and generate even more chi and its unimpeded flow. This allowance of the flow of energy throughout the body is like the never-ending flow of water.
In acupuncture in Eustis, a lot of the training was about deficiencies or excesses and even through the adjustment the body then regulates the energy imbalances.
We have actually in our body a “brake” and a “gas” [accelerator] and knowing that they can both work in unison throughout the day is really powerful. And so with acupuncture—what’s a little different about our office is we run a machine and we check the twelve meridian circuits of the body. We get to see where your energy systems are at and where the imbalances are and then work with that specifically.
And I also think that it’s important to be also using different kinds of methods like breathing and mediation. So some of the classes that we focus on here are about maximizing your energy and actually learning to let go of patterns in your beliefs that aren’t serving you so that you can have a higher quality of health and make better choices.
I think when it comes to even balancing your energy and getting your energy to be on fire in a good way it’s important to know that there’s this mind–body connection and there’s this part of us that can limit that.
So a lot of times I’ll be talking to my patients about different aspects of their lives and even sometimes doing what we call energy clearing work through different techniques that I’ve learned over the years and transforming peoples’ lives by letting go of limiting beliefs so that they can make better choices for their health and their vitality.
7:15am - 4:30pm
7:15am - 4:30pm
7:15am - 4:30pm
7:15am - 3:30pm
Wagner Chiropractic
2775 South Bay Street
Eustis, FL 32726
(352) 589-5443